In recent times we often hear about CBD, but what is it? And what’s the use? The CBD, or cannabidiol, is the second most abundant substance present in Cannabis: it is not psychoactive, it is not addictive and has a wide range of therapeutic applications. Several scientific studies are conducting research on the effects and possible applications. The interest from the scientific community for the therapeutic potential of CBD is always greater, it has already been used in several studies for the treatment of numerous health problems and is today recognized among the main elements of “Cannabis Therapeutics”.
CBD and THC: the differences
Cannabis, or hemp, is an angiosperm plant belonging to the Cannabaceae family and consists of several elements, including the so-called cannabinoid substances, namely THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol).
THC is the psychoactive element that causes sensations of euphoria, relaxation, space-time perception in the consumer, and, within the body, binds to CB1 receptors, whose stimulation accounts for the euphoric effects of cannabinoids but also of their antiemetic, antioxidant, hypotensive, immunosuppressive, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispastic and appetite-stimulating action.
CBD, on the other hand, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid and acts in a diametrically opposite way: it binds to CB2 receptors, which are found on T cells of the immune system and at the level of the central nervous system. The stimulation of CB2 receptors appears to be primarily responsible for the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory action of cannabinoids.
Put simply, therefore, THC alters the mind, while CBD stimulates healing, allowing anxiety, psychosis, memory lapses and disorders such as epilepsy and schizophrenia to be treated. Not producing psychotropic effects, CBD is legal in most countries of the world.
On the market, you can find different types of products based on hemp and CBD oil, obtained according to the extraction technique used. It is important to underline that the starting plant material used to produce CBD extracts belongs to the cannabis varieties registered in the European Community register and admitted to cultivations for industrial use. These extracts, from which THC is removed, are then monitored to evaluate both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of cannabinoids and their microbiological characteristics.
CBD oil
CBD oil is available in various concentrations and its strong point is its versatility of use. To obtain CBD oil, the extract is diluted with hemp seed oil: this solution will allow obtaining, therefore, the various types of oils available on the market. It can be taken sublingually, added to foods and beverages that we consume daily, or ingested in the form of capsules.
CBD crystals
Crystals are the purest form of cannabidiol (CBD): to obtain them, CBD extracts undergo various stages of transformation and refining, which gradually leads to obtaining ever greater purity in the final product. Once the threshold of 80% purity of CBD has been exceeded within the extract, it begins to solidify or, using the specific term, to crystallize. The refining process continues until it eliminates all that is not pure cannabidiol and obtains a final extract 99% pure and beyond.
CBD can be taken as a liquid inside an electronic cigarette. Inhalation of vapors avoids the dangers associated with smoking and combustion processes and is an effective way to quickly absorb cannabinoids, whose effects are almost instantaneous: you can almost immediately get more relaxation and pain-related symptoms come drastically reduced.
Topical and cosmetic products
The use of topical products based on CBD is indicated for people who suffer from painful and/or chronic conditions such as arthritis: they can be found in the form of ointments, balms or lotions and are applied directly in the affected areas to give relief. to pain and reduce inflammation. CBD is also increasingly used in cosmetics: creams, balms, and ointments after the sun become even more effective, thanks to the adjuvant power of CBD in the action of other nutrients present in the product.
What is it for?
More and more studies are confirming the effectiveness of CBD in treating various health problems. This cannabinoid is proving effective as a first-choice drug for a wide range of conditions and diseases it is a powerful ally in combating the most diverse disorders, such as convulsions, muscle spasms, anxiety, nausea, chronic pain, inflammation, insomnia and much more yet. Its main properties are:
CBD oil is absolutely legal in Italy, as well as in almost all the rest of Europe, and can, therefore, be purchased without the need to present any prescription. It can be easily found on the web or in specialized shops, in concentrations between 3 and 30%, in the form of oil, topical creams and in many other formats. Before buying any product containing cannabinoids, make sure it is of excellent quality and that the active ingredients are extracted from the inflorescences without resorting to solvents potentially harmful to health.