Clothes, paper, and even a car body – these are just a few things that have been made of cannabis in the past. When it comes to How long do CBD effects last? Then there are some aspects that you need to have.
Today, we perceive them mainly through the prism of their Indian variety – marijuana, whose influence on health is still caused by heated discussions. The controversy over cannabis ricochet has found its sowing variety, devoid of narcotic properties. Cannabis oil slowly returns to favor, which is hardly surprising – its health-promoting properties are invaluable.
Before presenting the advantages of hemp oil, it should be emphasized once again: cannabis, in recent years used mainly in the chemical industry, are not a drug. The concentration of THC in plants is a trace, so they are not suitable for the production of illegal stimulants.
What does hemp oil contain?
In the group of hemp plant oils, it is at the forefront in terms of pro-healthy values and versatility of applications. Its biggest advantage is the high content of Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs), i.e. omega-3 and omega-6, constituting as much as 80 percent. But How long do CBD effects last?
According to their name, these acids are necessary for the proper course of many processes occurring in our body, but we must provide them from the outside. The key to their proper operation are the proportions that are standard in hemp oil and amount to 3: 1, where 3 are omega-6 and 1 are omega-3. In our diet, the said relationship is usually disturbed in favor of less valuable omega-6 acids, which reduce the omega-3 effect. Bad proportions of acids can promote diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, and cancer.
Properties of EFA:
Omega-3 acids: inhibit the multiplication of cancerous tissue, relieve rheumatic pains, prevent fluctuations in blood sugar, support the work of the heart and blood vessels, improve the condition of hair, skin, and nails.
Omega-6 acids: support wound healing and liver and kidney function, but is too large amounts to promote atherosclerosis and cancer development!
Fatty acids, including oleic, linoleic, linolenic and gamma-linolenic acid, make up most of the oil but are also accompanied by other valuable nutrients, including vitamins and minerals, such as:
Vitamin E – Supports the activity of omega-3 acids, improves the elasticity of blood vessels and blood circulation.
Vitamin A – Improves vision, skin condition, and immunity.
Vitamins from group B – Are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin K – Allows blood to clot, protects the body against fungi, bacteria, and inflammation and soothes the pain.
Calcium: Strengthens bones and teeth.
Zinc: Strengthens hair, skin, and nails.
Phosphorus: It is responsible for the mineralization of teeth and bones and the proper functioning of the nervous system.
Magnesium: prevents painful spasms, ensures the supply of energy to tissues, calms, and improves memory and concentration.
Hemp oil for health
The combination of these ingredients makes hemp oil have a salutary effect on our health. Among its properties are:
Cardiovascular system: reduces the concentration of lipids in the blood, thus preventing atherosclerosis, strengthens blood vessels, and improves blood flow. In addition, it favors congestion, because it inhibits aggregation, or sticking of blood cells, which causes the formation of clots and plugs that clog the blood vessels.
The immune system: due to the presence of omega-3 and omega-6 acids, hemp oil increases the natural immunity of the body, strengthening the intestinal flora, which affects the access of dangerous bacteria.
Endocrine system: one of the key components of hemp oil is gamma-linolenic acid, which not only reduces cholesterol but also regulates the hormonal balance of the body after transformation into the prostaglandin hormone PGE1. This is due to the fact that the consumption of hemp oil relieves premenstrual syndrome.
Protection against cancer: hemp oil is rich in antioxidants that actively counteract the development of cancer. The green color gives it chlorophyll, which blocks the transformation of healthy cells into cancerous tissues.
Analgesic effect: hemp oil relieves inflammation of the body, relieves joint pain and swelling of muscles, accelerates the regeneration of mucous membranes and skin.
Other activities: hemp oil has a diuretic effect, promotes the elimination of toxins from the body, and has a calming and hypnotic effect.
Hemp oil for beauty
Among the many positive effects of hemp oil on our body, its beauty properties deserve special attention. This is due to the already mentioned acids, in particular, linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid belonging to the Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) category, necessary for the preservation of beautiful, young, and healthy complexion.
In addition, hemp oil largely resembles sebum secreted by human skin, thanks to which it improves the natural lipid metabolism, which is especially important for mixed, oily, and seborrheic skin. Hemp oil is moderately fat, so it spreads easily and the skin absorbs quickly without leaving a greasy film.
What can hemp oil give to our complexion?
Strengthens the natural resistance of the skin to external factors such as mechanical abrasion, extreme temperatures, or strong wind.
It reduces the risk of inflammation, irritation and discoloration and inflammation.
It cares for the proper level of skin hydration.
It helps restore skin elasticity, regenerates it, and prevents wrinkles.
It improves the color and illuminates the skin gray and devoid of luster.
Penetrating into deep layers of the skin, it intensively nourishes it.
Heals serious skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, and seborrhea.
Thanks to the ability to regulate the secretion of sebum, it supports the treatment of acne and matte oily and mixed skin.
When used on hair, hemp oil gives them shine and facilitates combing.