Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Weight Loss Skin Heart Mood And Pain

Hemp seed oil is an extract from industrial hemp seeds. Industrial hemp is the only plant used in the production of this type of hemp oil. Hemp seeds are...

Hemp seed oil is an extract from industrial hemp seeds. Industrial hemp is the only plant used in the production of this type of hemp oil. Hemp seeds are cold-pressed, peeled or unpeeled, to create delicious nut oil.

There are no cannabinoids, such as THC or CBD, present in hemp oil since the seeds are not psychoactive. The benefits of Hemp oil are undeniable. Hemp oil is legal in most countries and is found in food markets, along with the most common types of oil, such as olive or coconut. Hemp seed oil is known for its nutty flavor and high levels of unsaturated fats, such as Omega 3 and Omega 6.

Hemp oil is composed up to 80% of essential fatty acids, 50% Linoleic Acid, 15% Alfalinolenic Acid, 12% Oleic Acid, 1% Arachidonic acid, 3% Gamma-linolenic Acid. Its high amount of essential fatty acids and its optimal combination make it one of the best vegetable oils.

Benefits and properties

Hemp has been an important source of food, fiber, and medicine for thousands of years in the Old World. The oldest existing documents describing the use of hemp seeds as food and medicine are from China. There is good evidence that hemp began to be used as a source of fiber and as a medicine throughout the Mediterranean Basin, from the east (Egypt) to the west (Morocco), several centuries before Christ (BC).

The benefits of Hemp oil are in it’s an important amount of proteins in addition to essential fatty acids. It is moisturizing oil so applied after a shower provides our skin with good hydration; nourishes and activates circulation. It is advisable to soothe itching and is also indicated in cases of allergies, eczema, and other skin problems. If we apply it to the nails they become stronger. The proportion of omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids is ideal to take care of the health of our heart and prevent the appearance of some degenerative diseases. The antioxidant properties of this oil help to prevent the aging of the skin. Another property of hemp oil is that it helps strengthen the immune system. It is indicated in cases of inflammation, premenstrual syndrome, arthritis, etc. In addition to taking care of nails and skin, it is ideal for hair and scalp care.

Other uses of hemp oil

This oil is used for the manufacture of plastics. It can be used as biodiesel, like other vegetable oils. It is not toxic and therefore would not harm the environment. It can be used in the manufacture of paints and is much less polluting than paints made with other types of materials. It is also part of the composition of soaps, bath gels, shampoos, and creams. It is used as oil for lamps since when it burns it does not produce any odor. It can also be used in cooking, although with overcooking it may lose its properties, it is ideal for use in salads. It is a very digestible oil and, as we have seen, with many properties.

How to use Hemp Oil

This oil must be stored in a dry, cool place and in the absence of light. Store in the refrigerator or cool place once opened. Hemp oil should not be used to make fries since high temperature not only destroys their most valuable properties but also make it harmful. It is ideal for salads and dressings, with vinegar or lemon juice. We can also take it alone from one to three teaspoons a day.

Hemp seeds as a highly nutritious food source

Hemp seeds and their derivatives (such as oil, flour, etc.) due to their nutritional properties, their content of fatty acids, vitamins, proteins, and minerals, it is recommended to consider them as fundamental for the human diet. Hemp seeds have a characteristic nutty flavor and are, in fact, currently incorporated into many food preparations such as bread, cakes, cookies, vegetable milk, ice cream, etc. Nearly 50% of the global market for hemp oil is concentrated in the food industry and nutritional supplements. The other half of world trade focuses on cosmetic applications (soaps, shampoos, creams, etc.) and other industrial uses (bio-diesel, varnishes, etc.).


A French expert in agriculture from 1763, referring to the raw material hemp said: “There is no plant that provides greater benefits to humanity. Benefits of hemp oil are even greater than wheat.” It can grow even in very nutrient-poor soil; it adapts to almost any climate and does not need pesticides or chemicals. Actually, the food use of hemp, as well as it’s oil and seed, could be one of the great allies to solve the problems of food in many countries in the short term and in a very economical way.

Hemp Oil